Sonic riders pc 2 players only
Sonic riders pc 2 players only

sonic riders pc 2 players only sonic riders pc 2 players only

They decide to settle their dispute in a race. Inside a factory, Knuckles and Storm bump into each other and starts to fight each other, smashing one of Eggman's robots in the process. Tails' friends get angry at Wave at this. Although she admitted in her mind that his job isn't half-bad, Wave mocks at Tails at his Extreme Gear, calling it a "piece of junk" before leaving, as Tails feels insulted by this. Amy Rose also joins the EX World Grand Prix with the heroes in order to be with Sonic, much to Sonic's disgrace and then Wave appears and observes Tails' Extreme Gear, sneakily placing a bomb unbeknownst to the heroes. As the EX Grand Prix goes on, rivalries are made between the heroes and the Babylon Rogues. When Eggman announces that the prize is all seven of the Chaos Emeralds, and that the current racers are the same thieves that Sonic and his company met up with yesterday, the three then enroll themselves in the tournament. Eggman announces that he has created a race called the EX World Grand Prix, a competition to see who is the best on Extreme Gear. The next day, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles see a familiar face on the monitors Dr. The three mysterious characters fly away with the Chaos Emerald in town. Sonic attempts to pursue them, but is outmatched on this new technology. Tails then exclaims that the signal was coming from them. As Tails finally detects it on his radar, the Babylon Rogues suddenly crash from a glass window with the Chaos Emerald they were looking for. In Future City, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles are searching for a lost Chaos Emerald. Jet replies that in air with his Extreme Gear, Sonic is no match. Eggman whispers to Jet about the fact that he needs the seven Chaos Emeralds in order to utilize the cube to summon Babylon Garden and also mentions about Sonic the Hedgehog, a comparable speedy opponent to Jet, who might have the emeralds. Eggman appears and notices that Jet is holding the key he was looking for. Eggman has arrived on their ship and would like to meet with him. Wave then informs Jet that a person named Dr. As Wave follows in, the three Rogues gaze upon the cube hoping to discover a hidden treasure in their ancestral home: Babylon Garden. One night, Jet, who was observing a special cube in his airship, is suddenly interrupted by Storm who bursts into Jet's office.

Sonic riders pc 2 players only